Commission on Seismological Observation and Interpretation (CoSOI)
The essence of seismology lies in the observation and interpretation of earthquakes and earthquake-generated ground motions, together with effective data distribution and analysis. There is a continuing need to improve mechanisms for the archiving, dissemination and analysis of these data.
The real Earth structure varies in three-dimensions, can show variation with time and is anisotropic and anelastic in part. Thus methods for seismogram interpretation need to take account of the complexities, which are revealed in the currently available high quality data.
Topics of current interest to the Commission include:
- Seismic instrumentation, networks and international data centers (international data exchange, management of massive data sets)
- Seismogram analysis (incl. future developments)
- Determination of earthquake parameters
- Wave propagation in heterogeneous media (incl. synth. Seismograms and waveform modeling)
- Seismological interpretation (incl. inversion techniques & whole-Earth analysis)
Activities of CoSOI:
- Organises symposia at the IASPEI and IUGG assemblies
- Initiates and coordinates working / task groups on specific topics
- Set standards of data analysis and formats
- Maintaining the Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice
- Chair: Torsten DAHM (Germany)
- CoSOI meeting in Montreal, Agenda, 2019 (PDF, 263 KB)
- CoSOI meeting in Kobe, Summary, 2017 (PDF, 54 KB)
- Minutes of the Meeting of the IASPEI Commission on Seismic Observation and Interpretation (CoSOI) 2009 (PDF, 63 KB)
- Commission on Seismological Observation and Interpretation Provisional Brief Report (July 2007 -- December 2008) (PDF, 17 KB)
- Reports from working groups for the period March 2004 to March 2005 (PDF, 111 KB)
- Reports from working groups for the period September 2003 to March 2004 (PDF, 64 KB)
- Minutes and Progress Reports IUGG 2003 (PDF format, 500 KB)
- Progress Report (March 2002)
- Training Course at Hanoi IASPEI Meeting, August 2001 (PDF, 4,9MB)
- Commission Meeting at Hanoi, August 23, 2001
- Mid-Year 2000 Report
Working and Task Groups
Working group with fulfilled task:
- Working Group on Seismological Archives (R. Musson) some tasks taken over by new ESC task group
- Working Group on Networks and Stations Codes (Ray Buland, Avi Shapira)
- Working Group on Definition of Authoritative Locations
Task Group on Seismic Scattering and Heterogeneity
- Chair: Michael Korn (Germany)
- Former Chair: Haruo Sato (Japan)
- Progress Report 2013 (PDF, 51 KB)
- Meeting Summary of the IASPEI Task Group on Scattering and Heterogeneity 2009 (PDF, 27 KB)
- Progress Report 2009 (PDF, 25 KB)
- Report of the meeting of the Task Group on Seismic Scattering and Heterogeneity at the 2007 IUGG General Assembly in Perugia, Italy (PDF, 90 KB)
- Progress Report of Task Group on Seismic Scattering and Heterogeneity - 2005-2007 (PDF, 136 KB)
- Report of Task Group on Seismic Scattering and Heterogeneity - June 2006 (PDF, 112 KB)
- Report of the meeting of the Task Group on Seismic Scattering and Heterogeneity at the 2005 IASPEI General Assembly, Chile (PDF, 96 KB)
- Task Group on Seismic Scattering and Heterogeneity Meeting Report, 2003 IUGG (PDF, 24 KB)
Working Group on Reference Events for Improved Locations
This working group consists of the following members
- Member: E.R. Engdahl (USA)
- Member: E. Bergman (USA)
- Member: I. Bondar (Hungary)
- Member: K. McLaughlin (USA)
- Member (ISC): R. Gallacher (UK)
Utilization of Global 3-D Models for Seismic Observatory Applications
- Chair: Dr Stephen Myers, LLNL (USA)
Working Group on Magnitude Measurements
- Chair: Allison Bent (Canada)
- Former Chair: Domenico Di Giacomo (UK)
Goals of WG set out after the IUGG2019 Montreal meeting
Continuation Plan (December 2014)
Questionnaire on magnitude procedure: please document the magnitude procedures of your agency and return the form to the ISC (more details in the form)
Working Group on New Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice
- Chair: Torsten Dahm (GFZ, Germany)

Working Group on Triggered and Induced Seismicity (TAIS)
- Chair: Stanislaw Lasocki (Poland)
Working Group on Seismological Archives
This working group is closed
Working Group on Historical Seismicity
- Co-Chairs: Paola Albini (Italy) and Katsuhiko Ishibashi (Japan)
Working Group on Networks and Stations Codes
This working group has fulfilled its purpose and is now closed
- Chair: Ray Buland (U.S.A.)
- Former Chair: Avi Shapira (Israel)
Working Group on Definition of Authoritative Locations
- Chair: Remy Bossu (France)
Automatic and routine Moment tensors: benchmark and verification platform
- Chair: Torsten Dahm (GFZ, Germany)