Asian Seismological Commission


Asian Seismological Commission (ASC) was established in 1996 as a regional scientific organization affiliated to International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IASPEI) and with administrative and scientific decisions consistent with general IASPEI guidelines. Its objectives have been identified as following

  • To promote scientific cooperation and exchange among its national members
  • To upgrade research activities
  • To strengthen disaster mitigation
  • To cooperate with other international and regional organizations.

ASC contains 2 sub-commissions : the Sub-commission on Earthquake Prediction and the Sub-commission on Education and Outreach. It is comprised of twenty-four member countries nowadays. Furthermore, it also welcomes all countries in the Asia and the Southern Pacific Regions that are willing to become the ASC National Members.

Since 1996, ASC has organized six biennial General Assemblies in China, India, Iran, Nepal, Armenia and Thailand. A plan to expand ASC activities was announced by the ASC President S. Balassanian at the 4th General Assembly in Katmandu, Nepal.

The plan outlined a new development of ASC general policy and proposed four pilot projects as practical steps for its implementation. The essence of the policy enhancement is that ASC should play an important role as a catalyst and coordinator for Earthquake Hazard Assessment and Risk Management Strategy developed andimplemented in the Asia-Pacific region for the prevention of earthquake hazards impact on population, vital infrastructure and property. ASC should promote the understanding that Earthquake Hazard Assessment and Risk Management in Asia and the Pacific are immediately linked to the ability of countries to function appropriately for the guarantee of business continuity and hence economic growth and the potential of any Asian and Pacific country to prosper and develop.


  • President: Dr. Ruben Tatevossian (Russia)
  • First Vice President: Okubo Makoto (Japan)
  • Second Vice President: Sandeep Kumar Gupta (India)
  • Secretary General: Dr. Li Li (China)
  • EC Member: Anna Berezina (Kyrgyz Republic)
  • EC Member: Sarantsetseg Lkhagvaswzen (Mongolia)
  • EC Member: Dimas S. J. Sianipar (Indonesia)
  • (Immediate Past President): Dr. Paramesh Banerjee (Singapore)
  • (Representative from IASPEI): Dr. Johannes Schweitzer (Norway)



Task Groups

ASC/SHR Joint Working Group on Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment for Asian-Pacific Regions

  • Co-Chair: Gary Gibson (Australia)
  • Co-Chair: Fabio Romanelli (Italy)