Below are links that will download various documents or datasets that are of interest to the IASPEI community. If you have suggestions about additional contents for this page, please contact us.
Mr Mohsen Dezvareh who is a Research Associate at the Seismology Research Center, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology in Tehran, Iran has produced two posters which summarise the development of Global Seismology. They can be downloaded using the following links:
Development of Global Seismology (from Myth to Reality)
Historical Development of Global Seismology (132 - 2008)
by Arthur Snoke
The following software package is a cross-platform accessible version of Kennett and Buland's "iaspei-tau" package for generating and using the travel time tables for velocity models iasp91 and ak135. This is an update to the 2008 package.
Software for constructing iaspei91 and ak135 travel-time tables: Implementation of Arthur Snoke, available at the IRIS software library.
More information can be found at Snoke, J.A. (2009), Traveltime Tables for iasp91 and ak135, Seismological Research Letters, 80(2), 260-262
by Brian Kennett
I attach a PDF copy of a Seismological tables booklet for the ak135 model which could be made available for download from the IASPEI site.
The IASP91 tables are out of print and I have felt for some time that we should have an update, but it has been difficult to find the time.
This new pamphlet contains some new features but every table in the older book is present.
Download (3.9 MB)